"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will love the darkness because it shows me the stars." ~ Og Mandino
As winter blankets us with darkened skies, showers, and snow, I am reminded of how quickly time passes and that enjoying this season invites more peace, wonder, and coziness into my space. In that space of quiet darkness, there is a stillness, like winter, that clears the mind and centers us in the present moment. "The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become" ~ Robert Holden What helps you to become more present? What are some of the ways you can bring more of that into your life? For me, it is the practice of yoga that keeps me coming back into the body, creating space for contemplation and the gift of moving from moment to moment as life unfolds. We often move so quickly from season to season, perhaps missing the best thing about winter – the need to slow down and move at a slower pace, allowing the body and mind to rest and recover. Nature, our greatest teacher, is guiding us to recalibrate. While the darkness of winter lures us in mystery, let it be a welcome invitation to turn inward away from the cold and toward the light. With that, let's honor the mystery of winter and the strength it affirms, for as we grow stronger, we find presence with what each unfolding moment offers us by the very act of being fully and deeply present. WHAT I AM LOVING THIS SEASON: For your home: The scented glow of Fable|Rune's Sicilian orange blossom soy candle for its earthy fragrance. For your bathroom: Fable|Rune's sea palm & cypress cleanser and luxurious lotion. In the kitchen: Manukora Raw Manuka Honey from New Zealand has never tasted so good. Its rich, creamy caramel taste is delicious in tea and on toast, fruit and oats. It contains bioactive prebiotics not found in most honey. In the fire: I am burning almond wood mixed with oak. It makes for an extra warm and lasting fire on these chilly nights. What I'm reading: The book Living a Committed Life by Lynne Twist. I encourage you to start now if you haven't read anything by her. She is a visionary who lives by her beliefs and inspires others to do the same. I know you will be riveted by some of her stories. A small section of the intro from this book states, "When you are able to turn breakdowns into breakthroughs, then whatever comes at you in life can become a gift; it's all there to teach you, to empower you somehow. It's not that life's difficulties don't show up, but they show up in a way that you are served by them." Sending you the warmest of wishes! "Where there is great love there are always miracles." ~ Willa Cather
It's February, and we are shining the spotlight on LOVE. When you prioritize nurturing self-love, you open yourself to the love within and a life that feels fulfilling and supported. Let's make this the perfect occasion for going within and glancing back with affection on your journey so far. Take some precious time with me to pause long enough and pull out some of your baby pictures, or better yet, spend some time with a toddler. Watch them moving about one foot in front of the next, bubbling with wonder and curiosity, running, falling and getting back up, reaching and squeezing all there is from each moment. That was you, my friend, and each one of those baby steps brought you to where you are today! When was the last time you looked at yourself in awe? Like the awe you see for that young child? Without judgment, comparison, or criticism – simply pure unconditional love and appreciation. You are born from love, and your spirit is always calling you to remember that love is your true nature. So, gather your journal and pen, and let's return to our true nature as we explore a few journal prompts:
The benefits of self-love and gratitude enrich every aspect of our lives. The better we care for ourselves, the better we feel, and the more we are able to care for others. When we love and accept ourselves unconditionally, we are able to offer the same to others. This February, let's shine the light on love and watch it ripple out across the world! The four of us took turns as we circled the table to choose our word for the year ahead. This ritual began on a brilliant New Year's Day with the sparkling sea before us. The words from our circle were SPACE, CREATIVITY, LAUGHTER and SPONTANEITY.
Although it is done with the lightest of hearts, we take our words quite seriously – like an anchor that reminds us where we are and keeps us steady when there is no horizon in sight. Our words bring us back to our clearest intention. For me, it feels so liberating to choose what I'd like to feel more of and invite it into my everyday life. Without any further adieu, I present to you my word for 2024: CREATE. This word came to me after a really challenging year. One filled with more challenges and setbacks than I could count on both hands. Conflict pushes us out of our comfort zone and can be our greatest teacher. Though we may not understand it at the time, I believe that life is always supporting our journey. This past year was a huge reminder that I can meet the challenges that come my way, even when it feels like I can't. But most importantly, how can I make it better? How can I create a scenario of less suffering and adapt to the changes with more ease? In what ways can I take better care of myself both emotionally and physically? Yet again, I realized that it's our perspective on things that matter most. I can make things harder on myself, or I can create a different picture. One in which I am okay with the way things are and that no matter what, I'm always moving in the direction of my dreams. The life I am creating won't be without struggles, but I can rest in the knowing that there is calm beneath the waves, sunshine on the other side of the clouds and an anchor that connects me to my purpose. Have you chosen your word for 2024? If you haven't yet, there's still time – making it the perfect opportunity to align with your heart! What is it you'd like to invite more of into your daily life? I'd love to hear! |
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