It's the time of the year when the morning sun streams in through the front porch door. Each morning my furry four-legged one leaps from the bed, waggles into the living room and goes straight to the front door, where he pauses and stares at the golden rays glimmering on his bed. After a few moments, he places one paw and then the next into his plush doughnut bed and soaks up the warmth of the sun.
As my tea was simmering and I was thinking about the day ahead, I looked over, and this moment with him melted my heart. His actions reminded me how to "wake up" and savor stillness, to feel the warmth and to give thanks for all that is in this moment. So I sat with my tea and simply savored the morning sun, the stillness and the peace that comes with it. I often enjoy pulling from a motivational card deck when looking for inspiration. Here is the message from the card I pulled: "I allow myself to savor this precious moment fully." This card was all the affirmation I needed! At this very moment, I set the tone for the rest of my day. A moment I could have missed had I stayed thinking about the future and the day ahead. Whatever is happening in your life now - the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the wins and losses – is forever changing. In the present moment, we can touch life – the very heart of who we are that is often forgotten. May you allow this very moment to reach you where you are and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. There is surely goodness to be found in the moment – where you can open, soften and accept what is without trying to change it. If we miss this very moment, how many others are we missing? I hope you'll remember to savor this precious moment fully. |
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