We often practice rituals without even knowing it. The very fact that you woke up this morning and delighted in your favorite cup of coffee can be a ritual by the attention/intention you give it. To be fully present in the moment makes it all the richer.
Rituals are a bridge between our inner and outer worlds and remind us that we are part of a greater design. Our minds and bodies crave consistency. Rituals give us something we can count on in this ever-changing world. They also connect us to nature and the changing of the seasons. By watching the constant shifts in nature, we realize our own cycles in life. By acknowledging them, we are reminded this season shall pass and be followed by another. Rituals provide us with a sense of renewal – time out of our everyday routine. As a young girl, the season of autumn filled the air with excitement and anticipation in what was to come. The arrival of pumpkins, a school festival, decorations, delicious treats and free dress! Looking back, I see that the little joys and celebrations throughout the year lifted my spirit and filled me with a sense of celebration. There was always something to look forward to. Stability and trust in the flow of life connect us to the past and the present. They invite us to mark special moments in our lives, adding deeper meaning and significance. They give us the gift of remembering and replenishing ourselves on the winding path of life. They are tools that give us the freedom to take responsibility for our lives' direction and purpose, co-create our own lives, and enjoy personally meaningful rituals. As adults, what we choose to hold as sacred is different from our younger years. As life changes, so do our priorities. I feel the need for ritual much more after experiencing profound change and loss through Covid and the polarization we face as a global community. There is no better time than now to choose the things, people and places that define what joy means to us. It is never too late to create new rituals and give yourself permission to let go of those that no longer bring you joy. Invitation to Reflect What does ritual mean to you? What are some of the traditions or rituals you recall from your childhood? Are there some you have chosen to keep, let go of, or perhaps simplify? What are some of the traditions you have in your home this time of year? Is there a ritual you would like to add to enrich your life as you experience more change? Remember, rituals can be the smallest of things; the meaning we give to them matters most. They are personal to you and can be anything that holds meaning to you. May you feel peace and comfort in choosing that which brings you the greatest joy! "Armed with my positive attitude and inherent stubborn nature, I keep my mind focused and my life moving forward." ~ Amy B. Scher
Do you feel like it's time for something different in your life? If so, you're amongst many! The Covid pandemic has forced many of us into change and the need to reevaluate the direction of our lives. Significant change never comes all at once, even though it may feel like it. Perhaps you lost your job during Covid like I did, bringing a radical shift in day-to-day living. Maybe you are one of the many who became a homeschooler or a caretaker. Do any of these statements ring true for you at this time in your life? I am not happy with my job. It's difficult to make meaningful connections. I'm searching for the missing piece. I am not feeling good about myself. I am not happy with my circumstances. These feelings are challenging to navigate because we are not able to see a clear path or direction. Yet, if we pay attention to the feelings, they have an important message for us. They tell us it is time to reach for something else, that we are not meant to stay in this place. We are designed to continue becoming our best version of ourselves. I recently discovered best-selling author Amy B. Scher. After listening to her podcast interviews and watching her videos, I felt lighter and self-assured. I'd love to share her top three reasons why it's okay to change direction... 1. Change is inevitable Let's face it; change is a necessity of life. You can't stop it, so why not change along with it? In fact, you should be more concerned if you don't want to make changes throughout the course of your life. When we change, we grow. SUCCESS, in business, relationships, and life itself, comes from continuing to grow. It's a natural part of life to evolve. That means it's perfectly okay to relaunch as you continue to evolve. And remember, if you get there and don't like it, pivot again! Look for what feels good and right, then follow that path. 2. Purpose isn't everything You can have multiple purposes in life. As we change throughout our lifetime, our purpose changes with us. Keep growing! Don't spend too much time and energy worrying about neglecting one purpose for another. And don't waste your resources in the wrong area because you once belonged there. Trust that your true purpose is being true to yourself. When you do, the who, what and why will follow: WHO you serve. WHAT you're supposed to do. WHY you're here. These are secondary considerations. Work on finding your true self, and the rest will align. 3. Big isn't always better It can be easy to get caught up on impact – is what you're doing going to be impactful? This perspective can hold you back. That's because you'll spend more time worrying about how you'll be received than doing what it is you want to do. Instead, think small and start before you're ready. Think less about the impact of your change and focus on trusting that what you're feeling called to do will be impactful. How does this work? If your change helps just one person in any way, even if that person is yourself, it's enough. Start with a tiny step. Just moving your intentions in a new direction, however small, is worth it. Change doesn't wait, and neither should you. If it's time to move in a new direction, make the first step today! |
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