Christmas has arrived on schedule, bringing the gift of past traditions, new ones being created along the way, and the ache for loved ones no longer here. Still, Christmas remains wrapped in dreams of sleigh rides in the snow, the gift of spirit and carols being sung around the tree.
What a beautiful and wondrous season it is! There is a glowing fire amongst the brick hearth, snow-like lights glow amongst the trees, my fur baby nestled in his bed and me in my cozies. I have begun to deck the halls of my cozy beach bungalow. As I start to unpack the tiny glass treasures, a beautiful gift sparkles before me. It is an ornament given to me by my mom and dad. In my father's handwriting, it says, "Where there is family, there is always Christmas." His very words leap from the page and into my being. He is still sharing the spirit of this special holiday with me. Light fills my heart and is symbolic of love both past and present and countless treasured moments that weave themselves together in the tapestry of Christmas past. Thank you, Dad, for your legacy of love! We all need the reassuring and healing messages that treasured rituals provide. As you go about making it the "perfect Christmas" for loved ones, make sure to pause for the silent and holy moment within, where "all is calm, all is bright." One of the most important aspects of traditions is they provide us with symbolism. I feel that we all need symbols, like a trusted guide post lighting the way as we move forward through the tapestry of our lives. May your holidays be filled with tradition as a symbol of light, and the celebration of Christmas is one of eternal love, hope, peace and goodwill to all! Thank you ALL for being a light in my life! "Live in each season as it passes; breathe in the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit." ~ Henry David Thoreau
December is upon us, and if you're like me, you're wondering, where has this year gone? And what even happened? I'm pretty sure we can all agree the past twenty months have brought unforeseen change and added stress as we continue to navigate uncharted waters. I want to take this time to thank you for reading my letters. My hope and goal are to grow a community that supports, educates and uplifts. As women, we live in a time when we need each other more than ever before. Yes, you gentlemen too! It's easy to forget how meaningful and powerful the practice of cultivating gratitude is in our lives, particularly during times of stress. Yet, this is when we need it the most. Perhaps, gratitude is most transforming in the midst of discomfort and chaos. I've observed this in myself. It's easy to be grateful when all is well and going my way. But for gratitude to transform our lives, we must embrace it in times of hardship. So, when you're feeling down about all the things that are not going right or how you'd wish them to be, remember the power in noticing all the little things that are going right; we just have to remember to look for it. It is always there. There really is so much beauty and joy to be seen and felt in our daily lives, but we must be present to these gifts. Gratitude has the power to fill the void of uncertainty and transform chaos into peace. When I feel even the smallest amount of gratefulness, my inner smile returns, I take a deep breath and believe in a brighter tomorrow. Reflections for December:
My wish for you is that your December be wrapped in peace, love and joy, and your path lit by divine light! |
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