"When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how others view you, but how you view yourself." ~ Natalie Portman
I'm continually reminded to practice being fully present and to keep making space for the things most important to me so that each moment is lived, not lost or simply forgotten. Being present is not possible when we are chasing random thoughts or rushing from thing to thing. Big joy happens when we can be fully present in the little moments. The best gift we can give ourselves and others is our presence. When we can be fully present in the moment, we open ourselves up to life's greatest treasures. One moment, one word, one smile can change an entire day. Yet we are often moving so fast that we miss those moments. Is there something you can let go of or scratch off your to-do list so that you can be more present in the here and now of your life? When we hold space for ourselves, we are truly present. Space for yourself means allowing yourself to be who and how you want to be. It can be as simple as giving yourself ten minutes of quiet or as big as not letting the world come in and tell you who you should be or what you should be doing. Know how you want to feel and help yourself feel that way. Only you can give yourself the space necessary to meet your needs. Learning to hold space for yourself is one of those foundational things you need to be doing in order to live your best life. It means first checking in with yourself (taking those 3-5 slow deep breaths) and honoring your feelings and changing needs. Remember, this is a practice. You will forget over and over, but you can also return to it again and again. We're nearly through the first month of the new year! Each day is an opportunity to hold sacred space for yourself so that you are free to be YOU in your curiosity, discovery, commitment and passion for what lights you up. Here are some ways to hold space for yourself
I encourage you to practice being in the now to create support in living your most authentic life because you are so worth it! "We cannot stop the spring or fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.." ~ Gary Zukhav
January's winter season, the marking of another year, always holds significance no matter where we find ourselves in life. It can be celebrated as an opportunity to begin again, a time to close out the past year and also for reflection. As pouring rains and blustery winds whip outside my door, I cannot help but feel that nature is reminding us it's time to retreat! She's sending us a reminder to slow down, find peace in the stillness and allow ourselves this special time to envision. To envision giving every day a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life. Listen to Your Heart When we listen, we are reminded of what matters most and where we find true joy. You and I were born for joy, though we often forget it amidst the noise, news and chaos of the world. Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be but to find out who we already are and become it. Trust that your true purpose is being your true self. Affirmations for January
"I have everything I need. From the mountains to the sea, all of this is within me. I have everything I need." ~ Trevor Hall Listen to your heart. What are you dreaming of today, tomorrow and for the rest of this precious year of your life? |
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