Although the seasons in Coastal California are not dramatic, they long to be celebrated. The month of May invites sunshine, celebration, dining al fresco, and the possibility of things to come. I can already smell the sweet smoke from bbq ribs and glazed chicken, roses bursting in sweetness, and when you pause to listen, song in the air.
The last few years have made a deep impact on each of us, collectively and individually. It is one thing to be faced with a challenge, and it's quite another to be hit with one thing after another. When we get caught up in all the things going wrong – little and big – it can be easy to forget the very reason we're here. I love this writing for its' sweet simplicity and truth. May this daily reminder be like a balm for your soul... Make time the gift that it is. Go into this week with the attitude that your peace, your health of mind, and your heart mean more than getting everything else done. Know that your smile matters, that the feeling of being rested matters, and that holding the hand of your loved one matter. So pause lots and function at a pace that doesn't pull you apart. Honor the things that make you feel good inside, the things that make you feel alive. I invite you to give time to those things this week. "Make time the gift that it is by giving it to what really matters to you." ~ S.C. Lourie of Butterflies and Pebbles Write this down and place it where you can see it and read it often. Take the time. Remember that YOU matter. What would it look like to make an impact in the world and expand your capacity to feel and experience deeper levels of intimacy? To awaken with compassion to all the parts of you – to love and accept yourself on a deeper level means to be vulnerable. The most courageous thing you and I will ever do.
When I looked up the word vulnerability, it became clear why it has prevailed as a weakness. The dictionary says vulnerability makes us open to criticism or attack. By definition, to be vulnerable is not safe, or so it would seem. What do you think of when you think of being vulnerable? You might think of vulnerability as being flawed or weak. How do you feel when you seem weak? Perhaps like crawling into a shell and withdrawing. When we withdraw, it is for protection, and protection builds a wall, walls build a barrier, and barriers keep out, well, everything. The more I began reading, the more I wanted to explore vulnerability and, the ways in which we keep ourselves safe; its implications on relationships and our place in the world. To make ourselves vulnerable opens us to the unknown. We seem to forget everything in life is unknown. If we keep a barrier up, things stay the same, and there is no possibility for change. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we open ourselves to possibility, where anything and everything are possible. To be vulnerable requires "trust that the universe has your back," where we are able to open ourselves to the possibility in the present moment. Building a loving-kindness relationship with self means being able to admit our mistakes, have compassion for ourselves, and most importantly, forgive ourselves and value our imperfections. When you are true to who you are, you can better express yourself authentically. Your relationships will reach a new level creating a wave of loving energy for everyone around you. You inspire people to feel safe and express love. When we feel safe, we will love more deeply and expand our capacity to feel and experience deeper levels of compassion and intimacy. Ask yourself, "What would it look like to become more vulnerable?" In order to authentically express yourself and be vulnerable, you need to love and accept yourself on a deeper level. To build a new relationship based on who you are today, not yesterday or 5 years ago. Do things that help connect you to your natural state, whether you use meditation, prayer, being in nature, walking your dog, Yoga, music or writing. It is important to carve out a safe space where you can anchor yourself daily. When we treat ourselves with love and compassion, we readily extend the gift to others. I invite you to take a mindful moment with me. . . Practice being fully present in this moment as you read this. Sit comfortably, gently close down the eyes and take 3-5 slow, full breaths in and out through the nose. Let go of any distractions, and notice how you feel without judgment. When we allow ourselves to be with our emotions, we welcome vulnerability. Slowly read the scripts below and allow them to support you:
I hope you enjoy this share and remember "Vulnerability is our greatest measure of courage." ~ Brene Brown |
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