Happy new moon in Pisces!!!
The new moon appears in Pisces, the water sign, which is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac. If you're feeling extra sensitive, this is the perfect time to find your flow, pay attention to your emotions, and tap into your creative side as we shift from Aquarius into the waters of Pisces. Just as the earth's surface is 71% water and 97% make up the oceans, we are made up of 65% water. The moon waxing and waning also govern us. The moon and the element of water represent your dreamy side. Imagine and envision your dreams, and open yourself to your inner world, where anything is possible. Is there something you've been contemplating? Emotions often get buried, yet, they are a tool that carries information about what we need and what best takes care of us. It is through the emotions that we find healing when we allow ourselves to move through them, then let them go. Reflect on your ideas and feelings – there is information in our feelings, and when we listen to them, we often find the answers we seek are already within. Is there something that needs more or less of your focus? Although the path may not look how we thought it would, Pisces encourages us to trust in the process and surrender to the flow of life. I invite you to please hold the vision for your intentions and trust it is yours in divine timing. Take some time to reset your weekly schedule, placing your soul care at the top!
The abundant rains and thunder clouds brought a glorious rainbow last evening – an affirmation that nature is perfect and you and I are part of it! Make special time for yourself, take in a sunset, or a sunrise, be still, and breathe into the moment one breath at a time. Just as sea glass is smooth and polished by the coursing of the waves against the shore, YOU are shaped and polished by each changing season, ocean tides and changing shores.
At the very heart of who you are is your authenticity. It starts in your heart and is your most precious commodity. It is the spark you are born with. To be in connection with your true essence is to honor the spark within, often dimmed by past hurts or living life on autopilot. It is the awareness of your beliefs, needs and values and making decisions from that place. "Authenticity is a collection of choices that we make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen." ~Brene Brown When we are being true and authentic, we are able to live wholehearted lives, holding nothing back. We let no one else define us and become the curators of our destinies. Only when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable can we feel our emotions, believe in our strengths, and express ourselves freely. Think for a moment about what being authentic feels like to you. Chances are you have made time for yourself to stop and smell the roses, to slow down enough to quiet the noise of a busy world – to listen to your needs – and ask yourself what it is you really want.
May the following be gentle reminders of living your most authentic life:
It takes courage to live authentically and grow into the best version of yourself. Keep going! |
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