"Where there is great love there are always miracles." ~ Willa Cather
It's February, and we are shining the spotlight on LOVE. When you prioritize nurturing self-love, you open yourself to the love within and a life that feels fulfilling and supported. Let's make this the perfect occasion for going within and glancing back with affection on your journey so far. Take some precious time with me to pause long enough and pull out some of your baby pictures, or better yet, spend some time with a toddler. Watch them moving about one foot in front of the next, bubbling with wonder and curiosity, running, falling and getting back up, reaching and squeezing all there is from each moment. That was you, my friend, and each one of those baby steps brought you to where you are today! When was the last time you looked at yourself in awe? Like the awe you see for that young child? Without judgment, comparison, or criticism – simply pure unconditional love and appreciation. You are born from love, and your spirit is always calling you to remember that love is your true nature. So, gather your journal and pen, and let's return to our true nature as we explore a few journal prompts:
The benefits of self-love and gratitude enrich every aspect of our lives. The better we care for ourselves, the better we feel, and the more we are able to care for others. When we love and accept ourselves unconditionally, we are able to offer the same to others. This February, let's shine the light on love and watch it ripple out across the world! Comments are closed.
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