The four of us took turns as we circled the table to choose our word for the year ahead. This ritual began on a brilliant New Year's Day with the sparkling sea before us. The words from our circle were SPACE, CREATIVITY, LAUGHTER and SPONTANEITY.
Although it is done with the lightest of hearts, we take our words quite seriously – like an anchor that reminds us where we are and keeps us steady when there is no horizon in sight. Our words bring us back to our clearest intention. For me, it feels so liberating to choose what I'd like to feel more of and invite it into my everyday life. Without any further adieu, I present to you my word for 2024: CREATE. This word came to me after a really challenging year. One filled with more challenges and setbacks than I could count on both hands. Conflict pushes us out of our comfort zone and can be our greatest teacher. Though we may not understand it at the time, I believe that life is always supporting our journey. This past year was a huge reminder that I can meet the challenges that come my way, even when it feels like I can't. But most importantly, how can I make it better? How can I create a scenario of less suffering and adapt to the changes with more ease? In what ways can I take better care of myself both emotionally and physically? Yet again, I realized that it's our perspective on things that matter most. I can make things harder on myself, or I can create a different picture. One in which I am okay with the way things are and that no matter what, I'm always moving in the direction of my dreams. The life I am creating won't be without struggles, but I can rest in the knowing that there is calm beneath the waves, sunshine on the other side of the clouds and an anchor that connects me to my purpose. Have you chosen your word for 2024? If you haven't yet, there's still time – making it the perfect opportunity to align with your heart! What is it you'd like to invite more of into your daily life? I'd love to hear! Comments are closed.
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