As 2022 comes to a close, I pour a cup of tea and begin to write. A warm crackling fire is my favorite invitation to savor these quiet moments. This has been a year of fresh starts and challenges, both big and small - that gives me all the more to meditate on and share with you. Setbacks seem to be a time to pause and be with things just as they are, whether we like them or not. I think the key is not staying there too long but long enough to learn from each particular experience.
It's said that life doesn't happen to us but rather for us. What a powerful sentiment and a reminder that we have the innate wisdom to see through the lens of truth and, to that end, live the one life that is meant for us and no one else. When I share with you, my messages derive from one of my many big artist journals filled with quotes, meditations and inspirations. The pages begin like a blank canvas, then are colored with thoughts, images and ideas that paint meaning into my world. This week I made a list of my wins and treasured memories that filled the past 10 years – things that stood out to me the most – particularly goals I had set for myself. I would like to share it with you. Don't worry! I've kept it brief for the sake of this letter. I have a much BIGGER version in my personal journal. What became very clear to me by writing everything down over that period was that I could see a perfect pattern – like seeing the front side of a quilt for the first time, rather than the painstakingly detailed stitches, knots and mistakes from the working back side. For the first time, I glimpsed a beautiful work of art like a path that continues to build upon itself, lit by following my heart and pursuing what I love. As most of you know, I divorced in 2010 after being in a long-term marriage, which is hands down one of the most significant turning points of my life. At first, it felt like I was free-falling from a plane, yet I knew I held the parachute and was flying to more beautiful places. With outstretched arms, my world opened up with the gifts of unconditional love and infinite possibilities. A world I could finally be a part of as "me." Fully, unapologetically me! I had never imagined a world where I could finally paint with all the colors of the rainbow – vibrant, warm, sparkling, happy and true. Each of our journeys is unique to us, and what I have learned is that the more we can know and understand about ourselves, the better life is. I think this is Oprah's trademark, and I love her for it. "I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others while allowing the energy of your life force to lead you." ~ Oprah Winfrey I invite you to take a look at the past 10 years of your life and write down your wins and memories. Hopefully, your list will look nothing like mine (I was rebuilding from the ground up). Your list will be unique to you. So I encourage you to set aside some special time and try this practice. And if you would like support, I am here for you, so please feel free to reach out! Please pay close attention to the details, as everything we do has value. To get you going, I am sharing my list where I actually reviewed the past 13 years of my life as an example: 2009
Now it's your turn! Find a cozy spot, light a candle or fire, pour your favorite drink and start writing. If 10 years is hard to remember, write down the years and enlist the help of your partner or friend. Spend as little or as much time as you like on this. You're simply recording a passage of time you otherwise may not acknowledge how much you've accomplished. Let the record become a tool moving you forward towards creating your best, most fulfilling life – the life destined for you and only you! I hope you gift this to yourself and begin by celebrating your authentic journey! Plan in decades • Think in years • Work in months • Live in days • Enjoy this very moment! Here's to many more accomplishments and milestones. May you have a glorious new year! Comments are closed.
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