"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
All too often, we take for granted the little things in life when in truth, it's the little things that bring lasting joy. We typically fill our days and don't stop to consider the most important details of our lives – what fuels our spirit and fills our heart – and invite that into the only moment life is happening, which is in this present moment. Our lives can become so full that we barely finish one thing and are onto the next. How many times have you completed a task you've been focused on finishing for some time, only to finish and move on immediately to the next thing? Instead, consider pausing long enough to acknowledge the energy and the wherewithal that went into making that particular thing happen. It didn't happen by itself. You made it happen first in thought and then by taking action. There are so many ways to find happiness at this moment, yet we are ready to move ahead so quickly that we don't allow ourselves to stay in the joy of the present moment. I remember being raised with the idea of "the pursuit of happiness." This isn't a negative pursuit. However, it does imply that happiness is somewhere 'out there.' The pursuit of happiness keeps us striving for more and looking for it outside of ourselves. We choose our goals and what we think will make us the happiest. We tend to achieve it and then pick another goal because that wasn't quite it, which can become a vicious cycle. I feel it's important to acknowledge when we might be operating from a limiting or scarcity mindset where we notice the things we do not have and keep us wanting more. It could be more travel, another degree or certification, more free time, clothing, jewelry, art or vehicles. The limiting mindset is a way of thinking that keeps us from fully living in the present moment and enjoying the blessings already bestowed upon us. When in actuality, the ability to draw happiness from the little things in life comes from a full heart and a sense of gratitude for what we have, where we've been, and where we are at. The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become, and it is only in the present moment that life is happening and you are truly living! So, I hope you will take this moment and hold to your heart what matters most to you. Give yourself the gift of appreciation for who you are, where you've been and how far you've come. You are more than enough. Your enough is what changes the world! Comments are closed.
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