Why daily intention matters even more than your goals.
Attention is where your eyes focus. Intention is where your heart is focused. In Yoga, we call this your Drishti or single-pointed focus, and from this place, we are able to let go of the things that don't matter and focus only on what does. To set an intention is very different from setting a goal. Goals are set with the mind. Intention is always set from the heart. Goals are what you want to do. Intention is who you want to be. You don't need to search for an intention. It is already within you, is always present, and comes from your heart and mind. From this place, we have our why (inner peace, knowing, more joy, helping others, learning and growing). We are energized and feel empowered to be a part of creating the life we choose. What does it mean to live with intention and on purpose? When we live with intention, everything we're thinking, saying and doing is aligned with our highest purpose and greatest values. We listen with an open heart and calm mind, and it means all our choices are made from a place of loving compassion. Intention comes from within and has no limits. They are about who you want to be and what you wish to contribute to the world. They are about how you want to touch the lives of others. Intention is the very spark that lights the spirit. The benefits of daily intention setting:
Intentions are the road map to who you ideally wish to be! It is my intention to be grateful for all the sweet gifts of inspiration that surround me. Birdsong, butterflies, ocean breezes as they ring harmony through the bell chimes, creative writing time, the gift of Yoga and you! I hope you will give yourself a gift and take this time to slow, soften and tune in. Begin to inquire about what intentions you would like to set? It could be for this day, maybe this month. You might hear your intention as a word, a feeling or a song. You might feel the intention somewhere in your body. You might even see this intention coming alive visually in your mind. Remember, you don't have to search for an intention, as it is always present and comes from both your heart and your mind. Once you have your intention, internally and silently begin to repeat your intention to yourself and let it swirl around your heart. As spring blooms in March and brings with it new beginnings, may it breathe life into your intentions! Comments are closed.
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