"It's good to wish for and look forward to the wondrous things in life." ~ Mary Smart
From closing your eyes, blowing on a dandelion, to wishing upon a star, we have each felt inspired to make a wish, however big or small. It is in that moment, as the very star I wished upon flashes before my eyes and then disappears, that I know anything is possible. Some wishes come true while others fade from the heavens, like a shooting star. Whether they come true or not, our wishes are still a part of us, expressing our heart's desire and our intention for fulfilling our best life. When we wish for something, our conscious opens to receiving it when it is for the highest good. There is something magical in making a wish. A wish comes from our truest self – the part that believes in extraordinary goodness, possibility and dreams. As a child, I remember that each candle on my birthday cake seemed to light up the entire room, like my very own fireworks display! In that moment, as my birthday song was sung and the candles were ready to be blown out, I'd close my eyes and listen...to the song in my heart. Wishing opens us to the possibility of magic as we wait to see if the invisible realm will bring our wish to life. Regardless of the outcome, we place ourselves in a magical mindset, which is as wonderful as the fulfillment of the wish itself. Remember that in order to dream, we must first WISH. Everything in our lives began with a wish, a thought, a hope and a dream. Take a moment. Close your eyes, open your heart, make a wish for yourself and someone you love and send it out into the world! Comments are closed.
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