As I stepped out into the sun-drenched garden this morning, I thought about the many iterations my garden has seen. Over the years, I have planted, replanted and reconfigured the space to suit my changing desires. Yet, one thing does not change – it remains a place for dreaming and reflection.
As the days grow shorter, we are invited to take a cue from mother nature and begin to draw our attention inward, lending us the golden opportunity to pause and reflect:
If my garden had a theme, it would be that change is happening in every moment. Just as nature is constantly changing, so too are we. The knee-high miniature cypress trees I planted six years ago are now taller than the house. The purple-bearded irises are sleeping tightly beneath the frigid ground. The sunflowers have long died off and hidden their show-stopping beauty until next spring. I always ask myself:
Change is happening in every moment. Ironically it is only through change that we grow into the best version of ourselves. We are not the same as we were five years ago, and it is who we are today that is meeting the new season. How are we choosing to meet this new season? As the leaves fall away, I invite you to reflect on:
Just as nature is in a season of rest, preparing for a new awakening, so too are we. Through change, we invite transformation. When we can embrace our own humanness and let the leaves fall, life becomes newer. Take time to remember the seasons you've grown through, the dreams you've dreamed of and all that you bring to the world. The gifts that only YOU can bring! Like a prayer, may the season reflect "there is always space to change, room to grow and time to bloom." Comments are closed.
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