The stars want to remind you that you are a magnificent superpower though you often forget it. You, my dear, are strong and soft, tender and tenacious, creative and calculated, kind and bold, grounded and fluid.
This spring letter inspired me to switch it up and play with the idea of a forecast. The idea that the future is unknown yet so very intriguing. When I thought of forecasting, such as Astrology, it led to the stars and how each time I look up at their shimmering magnificence, I am reminded that you and I are made of star stuff! Limitless in the perfect balance of light, dark and everything in between. The stars want to share these thoughts with you:
Spring happens to be one of the best seasons for star gazing! This evening I hope you will grab your warm cozies, a comfy spot free of outdoor lighting and take time to gaze up into the night sky. Feel her timelessness, infinite beauty, and may the magic of heaven's shimmering lights remind you that you, my friend, are made of star stuff! May you be a light to yourself and those around you... Comments are closed.
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