In the peak of winter we celebrate Valentine's Day and all things sweet – chocolates, hearts displayed on doorways, valentines, champagne and flowers. A reminder that love is in the air and meant to be spread. Yet, I've often wondered why it is we relegate love to just one day of the year. True love isn't merely an emotion or fleeting experience – it's a way of being, a way of living life.
Love stands as one of the most profound and transformative spiritual practices available to us. It invites us to open our hearts and cultivate a deep intimacy with all of life. Through love, we learn to see ourselves and others with kindness, moving beyond walls of judgment and separation. It reveals that at our core, we are more alike than different. Walking the path of love asks us to expand our circle of compassion. This journey begins with loving and accepting ourselves just as we are, identifying our unique needs, strengths and weaknesses. And offering ourselves the same tender loving care we would extend to a dear friend. From there, our capacity to love expands like ripples on a clear pond – first touching those closest to us, then reaching out to our community and even those we find difficult in our lives. Loving kindness calls us to listen deeply, to hold space for others with compassion for their struggles, to support them in their grief and to celebrate in their joy. Our relationships, though sometimes messy, are always opportunities for growth and healing. With love as your guide, may you meet the world with care and an open heart. Enjoy your favorite chocolates and surround yourself with flowers. Happy Valentine's Day! Comments are closed.
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