"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw
So often, we spend most of our days dedicating all of our energy, time and resources to those we love and to the things around us. But what happens is we forget to take that same time, energy and love for ourselves. It's easy to forget that it all starts within, and it's vital that we take time to fill the well within. Your commitment to health and happiness flows with the changing seasons that life inevitably brings. The stronger your commitment to yourself, the smoother life can flow. It's the things we do every single day that make up the whole of life. Each of us is unique, and it's important to honor yourself, your needs and what best supports you. In a world obsessed with drawing you to seek happiness outside of yourself, remember: YOU are enough. Take time for yourself, explore your deepest needs and desires and follow them. By honoring your inner voice, you are freed up to choose and create more balance in your life. Below is a list of daily possibilities to support your soul-care journey. Remember, self-care is a personal journey – take what resonates for you and make it your own:
I love the words of Dolly Parton: "Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” As we find ourselves midway through the year, it's indeed a good time for introspection and renewal. I opened to a list I'd recorded in my journal many years ago. May you find it insightful.
The adventure of life is to learn Set aside some quiet moments and consider your journey so far this year. What have you learned? The purpose of life is to grow In what ways do you desire to grow? In what ways have you grown? The nature of life is to change Embrace change as you notice change is the nature of life. Consider areas where you might be resisting change and explore ways to adapt and flow. The challenge of life is to overcome You didn't get this far without facing challenge. Acknowledge your inner strength and how far you've come. The essence of life is to care Practice self-compassion for yourself and others. The opportunity of life is to serve Serve through simple acts of daily kindness or perhaps through volunteering w/in your community. The greatest joy of life is to love Make a list of all you are grateful for, big and small, and count your blessings. The secret of life is to dare Is there something or someone holding you back? "You are offered a new opportunity with each breath to think, decide, choose and act differently – in a way that supports you in being all that you are capable of being. You are not less than. You are more than enough." ~ Brittany Josephina Imagine a string tethered to you. You can't see it because it's been there for so long. The string acts like a weight of fear, doubt, what-ifs, and limiting beliefs. Now imagine taking a pair of scissors and cutting the string, releasing all the things that weigh you down and keep you feeling stuck. From this place, you are free to feel the goodness that you are. Your creative expression is a gift to the world and a powerful way to process your emotions. Perhaps you are inspired to set intentions for the remainder of the year – rather than goals, consider setting intentions. I invite you to remember that you're more than enough as you navigate life's challenges. |
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